When we last left off, I had just configured a Mac for PHP, MySQL and Apache. Since my personal computer runs Windows XP, it only seems fitting that our next tutorial be geared towards the PC...
You will need XAMPP. It contains PHP, MySQL and Apache in one package.
1. Install XAMPP, being careful to note where it is storing itself in your directory. We are going to assume you left it at its default setting...
2. Click the XAMPP Control Panel icon that should have installed on your desktop.
3. When it opens, check the Apache and MySQL boxes.
4. Click Admin. You will be taken to the default splash.php screen.
5. To modify this default screen, go to: C:\XAMPP\htdocs\xampp\splash.php
6. Using a text editor like notepad, open splash.php and add the line: < ? php echo "hello"; ? > and save it. (please note that their is NO space between the "<", ">", "php" and the " ?" The spaces were added to over-ride some security features of this blog page)
7. Your changes should be visible by opening your browser and typing: http://localhost/xampp/splash.php
You should note that all php files you create need to be stored in the htdocs\xampp folder in order to function properly...
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