Monday, November 29, 2010

Allowing Facebook users to 'like' your webpage

It seems that every webpage out there now has a 'like' button on it so that you can share it with all your Facebook friends. Most webpage templates come with the 'like' button pre-installed, but if you are like me and actually write webpages free-hand, the following code may prove useful.

< src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; width:450px; height:80px">

Facebook provides tutorials for installing widgets and 'like' buttons, but the code is buried deep in their developer's documentation section...

Monday, November 1, 2010

How to Spoof an email by hand :)

Disclaimer: Be responsible. You can get into a lot of legal, professional and personal problems if you decide to misuse information found in this post.

Why tell people how to create a spoofed email in the FIRST place if it could be dangerous? Simple--knowledge is power. If you understand how a spoofed email is created--you are better prepared to spot one in your inbox, and less likely to fall for spamming tricks!

Have you ever gotten an email from a friend--which was REALLY from a spammer--and wondered: How did they DO that? How did they "take" his email address?

I accidentally discovered one method the other day, while trying to create a way to send myself automated reminder emails.

First, you need to find the gmail server to connect to. Why use gmail, you may ask? Because it does not bump you off of the server after 18 seconds, like Yahoo or some of the others do. I have found that is a good place to locate email servers. Just click on the 'domains' link and the 'DNS records' box along with entering '' in the next page. What you are looking for in the resulting screen is a line beginning with 'MX' and the word 'exchange'.

For gmail, I have found the server to be: (for me--it may vary for you, depending on where you live).

Next, open up a terminal and type 'telnet'. I am using Windows XP--I believe it comes with telnet. Once telnet engages, type 'o 25'
Where 25 is the connection port. When that action completes type all in capitals 'HELO'. There is no backspace, so you have to get it right the first time. HELO is one of two protocols that gmail uses. It is the older form that does not show as much info in the header...

When the server confirms, enter MAIL FROM: <> Yes, the '<' are important! This is the email that the message will say the email originated from. Next, chose the email address you want the message to go to and type: RCPT: < >.

Next, type DATA. This begins the part that the recipiant will see. Type 'From: <>' then enter and type 'To: <>' then enter again and begin your message. After you are done typing stuff, type a period '.' and it will send itself to your target.

If it did not get the target inbox, it may be in spam box... It is not a perfect science--and can be traced by your ISP provider--so please use responsibly.

Useful Windows XP commands (from the prompt)

So, after countless hours re-researching Windows prompt commands (to manually remove all the viruses that Windows boxes are subject to), I have finally decided to compile a list of them. Yes--I am forgetful enough to need to consult notes

As some of you may already know--command screen can be entered by clicking the start button-->run-->and typing in the 'cmd'

These are the ones I use the most. You can find other more in depth lists online.

  • CONTROL: opens the terminal window. CMD works just as well
  • CONTROL ADMINTOOLS: opens a partition viewer among other things
  • CONTROL KEYBOARD: opens keyboard properties
  • CONTROL COLOR: opens display
  • CONTROL FOLDERS: allows you to adjust double or single click file opening and make all hidden folders visible system wide.
  • CONTROL FONTS: opens font screen
  • CONTROL INTERNATIONAL or INTL.CPL: allows you to change the default language of your computer
  • CONTROL MOUSE or MAIN.CPL: opens mouse properties
  • CONTROL USERPASSWORDS: opens User Accounts
  • CONTROL USERPASSWORDS2 or NETPLWIZ: User account details. Also where you can set up your Microsoft passport, if you are so inclined
  • CONTROL PRINTERS: opens faxes and printers available
  • APPWIZ.CPL: opens Add or Remove programs window--great if some virus has blocked access to the usual path through the control panel gui.
  • DESK.CPL: opens display properties theme tab--useful if you, say downloaded the Alienware GUI theme manager and the start button and everything you hold dear in the start menu became mysteriously invisible--but still functioned... been there--done that...
  • HDWWIZ.CPL: opens an add hardware wizard
  • MMSYS.CPL: opens Sound and Audio device Properties Volume
  • SYSDM.CPL: opens System properties
  • TELEPHON.CPL: Opens phone and Modem options--yes, Windows still has that feature
  • TIMEDATE.CPL: Date and Time access
  • WSCUI.CPL: opens Windows Security Center
  • ACCESS.CPL: opens Accessibility Options
  • WUAUCPL.CPL: opens Automatic Updates
  • POWERCFG.CPL: opens Power Options Properties
  • CERTMGR.MSC: opens certificate management tool
  • COMPMGMT.MSC: opens the Computer management tool
  • COMEXP.MSC or DCOMCNFG: opens the Computer Services management tool
  • DEVMGMT.MSC: opens Device Manager
  • EVENTVWR or EVENTVWR.MSC: opens Event Viewer
  • FSMGMT.MSC: opens Shared Folders
  • NAPCLCFG.MSC: NAP Client configuration utility tool
  • SERVICES.MSC: opens Service manager
  • CONTROL SCHEDTASKS: opens Schedule Tasks manager
  • LUSRMGR.MSC: opens Local Users and Groups
  • SECPOL.MSC: opens local security settings
  • CIADV.MSC: opens indexing service. Never used it--not sure of its total usefulness--but here it is...
  • NTMSMGR.MSC: removable storage manager
  • NTMSOPRQ.MSC: removable storage operator requests
  • WMIMGMT.MSC: opens (WMI) Window Management Instrumentation
  • PERFMON or PERFMON.MSC: opens the Performance monitor as a graph--super useful.
  • MMC: opens empty Console root
  • DXDIAG: opens DirectX diagnostics tools. It may ask you if you want to make sure your Direct X version is approved by Microsoft first, but I usually ignore that popup window ;)
  • ODBCAD32: opens ODBC Data source Administrator. As I understand it, ODBC is a database tool with SQL compatibilities.
  • REGEDIT: opens Registry Editor where you can change HKEYs... sort of dangerous if you do not know what you are doing
  • DRWTSN32: opens Dr. Watson, an error control utility
  • VERIFIER: opens Driver Verifier Manager
  • CLICONFG: opens SQL Server Client Network Utility
  • UTILMAN: opens Utility Manager--or you can click the 'Windows' button and the 'u' button to bring it up... Microsoft Sam will begin speaking to you--so be careful who is around you when you try this.
  • MSCONFIG: opens a utility to show you what programs are tied to startup
  • SYSEDIT: opens System Configuration Editor
  • SYSKEY: Windows Account Database Security management
And those are the known Windows XP commands that I am aware of... I will add more as I discover them (online and in through experience). I also hope to create a few example tutorials using them...