Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Hiding a file using CMD commands

So you have a password file of dating sites or some other list of passwords, but are concerned that your girlfriend or administrator may be looking? Consider your old friend the command line! (works on NTFS systems, has not been tested on Windows 10)

Open you CMD. Create your directory, or navigate to the folder you want to hide your file in

I created a location called 'Olivia' and navigated there with the CD command.

C:\Documents and Settings\Olivia Terrell>mkdir olivia
C:\Documents and Settings\Olivia Terrell>cd olivia

Once there, I envoked Notepad and created my decoy file 'seeme.txt'.

C:\Documents and Settings\Olivia Terrell\olivia>notepad.exe seeme.txt

I added some random text to the file and checked the visible contents by typing 'type seeme.txt.'

C:\Documents and Settings\Olivia Terrell\olivia\ type seeme.txt
You can see me now
You can see me

I then created my hidden file on the 'back' of my decoy file like this.
C:\Documents and Settings\Olivia Terrell\olivia\ notepad.exe seeme.txt:hidden.txt

 I entered my passwords and saved the file. I then checked my Olivia directory to make sure that the hidden.txt file is not visible. 

C:\Documents and Settings\Olivia Terrell\olivia dir
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 8CB3-ACDA

 Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Olivia Terrell\olivia
01/19/2016  06:15 PM                34 seeme.txt
               1 File(s)             34 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  27,939,438,592 bytes free

Only the 'seeme.txt' displays. 

In summary. I typed this:
But anyone navigating to the Olivia folder or typing DIR from the command prompt only sees this:
 And the only way to see the hidden file--is by typing notepad.exe seeme.txt:hidden.txt from the command prompt...

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